For a detailed overview of our research, click here.

Our research involves the following:
  • Process Systems Engineering
  • Process Analysis and Improvement
  • Planning and Scheduling of Process Operations
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • Product and Process Design
  • Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization
  • Waste Utilization and Management
  • Planning for Energy Production (Oil, Gas, and Biomass Energy)
  • Robust Optimization
  • Soft Computing
  • Combinatorial Optimization

Due to increased complexity, quality, and environmental requirements in process manufacturing operations, many leading companies have identified Process Systems Engineering (PSE) as a strategic technology. Process Systems Engineering deals with the discovery, design, manufacturing, and distribution of products under many conflicting goals. The use of PSE enables companies to operate inherently safe processes while at the same time reduce production costs, improve quality, increase efficiency, reduce pollution, and bring products to market faster.

With this outlook in mind, the goal of the research program outlined here is to develop theory and applications for PSE technology. The applications will focus on planning and scheduling of process operations, oil and gas production, pollution monitoring and control, waste minimization, molecular design, and product formulation. Effective solution strategies (exact and heuristic) will be developed as well as effective models. The solution strategies will exploit problem and instance structure as much as possible.

Click on appropriate links to see brief descriptions of the projects that I am currently interested in. The motivation and scope, the approaches to be employed for the problem solution and possible extensions are provided. These projects, although quite distinct, are all centered on optimization technology and possess a number of interconnections.