- Saad Alsobhi, PhD student. Thesis: "Optimal Planning and Intgration of Gas processing Facilities", Starting date: September 2010.
- Lena Ahmadi, PhD student. Thesis: "Optimal integration of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Effect on Emissions and Electric Generating Capacity", (Co-Advisor with E. Croiset and P.L. Douglas), Starting Date: September 2009.
- Ivan Kantor, PhD student. Thesis: "", (Co-Advisor with M. Fowler), Starting Date: September 2008.
- Khaled Elsaid, PhD student. Thesis: "Development, Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization of a Novel inland Desalination with Zero Liquid Discharge for Brackish Groundwater", Starting date: May 2011.
- Hussein Ordoui, PhD student. Thesis: "Development of environmental, energy, and safety indices for flowsheet design and optimization", Starting Date: January 2010.
- Hui Liu, PhD student. Thesis: "CFD Modeling of a circulating Fluidized Bed with Biomass as Feed", Starting Date: September 2009.
- Abdul Halim Abdul Razik, PhD Student. Thesis: "Optimized Biomass Supply Chain for Energy and Biorefinery Production", Starting Date: January 2012.
- AbdulAziz Alaarifi, PhD student. Thesis: "Simulation and Optimization Studies of Industrial Methanol Reactors: Lurgi and Mitshubishi", Starting Date: May 2012.
- Colin Alie, PhD student. Thesis: "A Framework for Assessing the CO2 mitigation Options for the Electricity Generation Sub-Sector", (Co-Advisor with E. Croiset and P.L. Douglas), starting date: September 2012.
- Hassan Khorami, Thesis: "Multivariate Modeling and Optimization of the Xerox Emulsion Aggregation and Emulsion Polymerization Processes", Starting Date: January 2011.
- Yusuf Ali Yusuf, Thesis: "Mathematical Programming Models for Achieving Greener Petroleum Refining Operations", Starting Date: January 2012.
- Mohammad Ahmed, Thesis: "Optimization of Filler-Polypropylene Composites", (Co-Advisor with L. Simon), Starting Date: May, 2010.
- Donna Peng, "Scaling-up of a Natural-Gas-Based Energy Hub using Underground Hydrogen Storage", Starting Date: September 2011.
- Gamze Is, "Optimal Controller Tuning for FOPTD, SOPTD and SOPTD with lead processes", Starting Date: May 2012.
- Asmaa Awad, "Optimal Scheduling of Drug Delivery with Applications to the Acethylcholine Neurocycle", Starting Date: May 2012.
- Pankaj Chowdhury, NSERC Postdoctoral fellow (Co-supervisor with A. Ray). Project: "Development, Modeling, and optimization of Solar Photo-Reactor for Detoxification and Disinfection of water", September 2012 – September 2014.
- I.H. Mustafa, MITACS Postdoctoral fellow (Co-superver with A. Lohi). Project: "Sustainable Development through the Effective Production and Use of Bio-Fuels and Integrated Bio-Refineries", August 2011 – December 2012.
- Gamzi iS, Visiting Scholar, Haceteppe University, Turkey. Project: "Optimal Controller Parameters for FOPTD and SOPTD Systems", May 2012 – August 2012.
- Intan Suhairi binti Salleh, Visiting Scholar, Process System Engineering Centre (PROSPECT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,. Project: "Deodorizer Maintenance and Troubleshooting in Palm Oil Refining using Fuzzy Logic", January 2012 – August 2012.
- Sohrab Zendehboudi, MITACS post-doctoral fellow (Co-supervisor with A. Lohi). Project: "CO2 Sequestration Modeling, Optimization, and Techno-Economic Analysis", August 2012 – August 2014.
- Sohrab Zendehboudi, Postdoctoral fellow (Co-supervisor with A. Lohi). Project: "CO2 Sequestration Modeling, Optimization, and Techno-Economic Analysis", August 2011 – July 2012.
- Fethi Bellamine, Visiting Professor, INSAT (Tunisian Superior Institute of the Applied Sciences). Project: "Numerical Solution of Distributed Dynamic Systems using Hybrid Intelligent Computing Combined with Generalized Similarity Analysis", July - August 2012.
- Edimilson Batista Dos Santos, Visiting Scholar, UFRJ – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Project: "Development of Automatic Methods for Learning Bayseian Network Structures with Applications to the Process Industry", February 2011 – August 2011.
- Osama M.M. Eljamal, Visiting Professor, Laboratory of Water and Environmental Engineering, Kyshu University, Japan. Project: "Sustainable Water Resources Management", June 2011 – August 2011.
- Thippawan Kumhon, Visiting Scholar, King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. Project: "Prediction of the Extraction Yield of Isoflavones from Soybean in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with Co-solvents", March 2010 – February 2011.
- Abdunnaser Younes, Post Doctorate Fellow (Co-supervisor with A. Lohi). Project: "Genetic Algorthms for the Optimization of Differential Algebraic Systems", August 2009 – August 2010.
- Anoop Jagannath, Visiting Scholar, National University of Singapore. Project: "Global Optimization of Refinery Hydrogen Networks", October 2010 – April 2011.
- Rolando Barrera Zapata, Visiting Scholar, Universidat de Antioquia, Columbia. Project: "Modeling, Simulation, and Dynamic Optimization of a Limonene Epoxidation Batch Reactor", January 2009 – July 2009.
- Adriana Leiras, Visiting Scholar, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, Brazil, Project: "Robust Optimization of Refinery and Petrochemical Operations", September 2009 – July 2010.
- Andreas Mertes, Visiting Scholar, University of Stuttgart. Project: "Energy from Biomass", July 2007 – July 2008.
- Dr. Habib Al-Ali, Visiting Scholar, King Saud University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dharan, Saudi Arabia. Project: "Achieving Total Emission Control in the Petroleum Industry", September 2007 - September 2008.
- Dr. Abdunnaser Younes, Post Doctoral Fellow, Co-supervised with P.L. Douglas, Project: "Development of a Web-Based Simulator for Upgrading Heavy Crude Oil under CO2 Considerations", July 2007 – December 2007.
- Dr. Y. Saif, Post Doctoral Fellow, Co-supervised with A. Lohi, Project: "Green Process Systems Engineering", May 2008 – May 2011.
- Dr. Fethi Bellamine, Visiting Scholar, INSAT (Tunisian Superior Institute of the Applied Sciences). Project: "Symbolic Modeling of Distributed Dynamic Systems", July - August 2007.
- Reyyan Koc, Visiting Scholar, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Project: "Experimental and Modeling Investigations of Methane Cracking to Produce Hydrogen and Filamentous Carbon", (co-advisor with E. Croset), June –September 2006.
- Dr. Fethi Bellamine, Visiting Scholar, INSAT (Tunisian Superior Institute of the Applied Sciences). Project: "Finite Difference and Finite Element Neural Networks for Solving Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations", July–August 2006.
- Dr. Tareq Al-Bahri, Visiting Scholar, Kuwait University. Project: "Optimal Refinery Design", June 2006 – August 2006.
- Gholam Reza Zahedi, Visiting Scholar, Chemical Eng. Dep.-Razi Un.-Kermanshah-Iran. Project: "Modeling and Optimization of a Methanol Reactor with Catalyst Deactivation", October 2006.
- Dr. Fethi Bellamine, Visiting Scholar, INSAT (Tunisian Superior Institute of the Applied Sciences). Project: "Solving Partial Differential Equations through a Combined Generalized Dimensional Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks", June–July 2005.
- Dr. Tareq Al-Bahri, Visiting Scholar, Kuwait University. Project: "Planning of Refinery Operations", April 2005 – July 2005.
- Dr. Mohamed Sassi, Visiting Professor, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Project: "Development of Process Simulation Training Modules for an Undergraduate Course on Process Flowsheeting", June 2005.
- Esmaeil Fatehifar, Visiting Scholar, Shiraz University. Project: "Development of an optimal Design of a Multi-Pollutant Air Quality Monitoring Network", October 2004 – June 2005.
- Gholam Reza Zahedi, Visiting Scholar, Shiraz University. Project: "Modeling and Optimization of a Methanol Reactor with Catalyst Deactivation", June 2004 – June 2005.
- Dayin Moghholkhajornslip, Visiting Scholar, KMUTT, (Co-Advisor with P. Douglas). Project: "Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Nimbin from Neem Seeds: Modeling and Optimization", June 2003 – June 2004.
- Watcharee Kaewboonsong, Visiting Scholar, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (Co-Advisor with P. Douglas) Project: "Optimization of Unit Loading for 1330-MW Power Plant Firing Fuel Oil", 2003.
- J. Mathew, "Synthesis and Kinetic Analysis of Liquid Crystalline Compounds" (Co-Supervisoror with G. Al-Enezi), April 1996 - September 1997.
- K. Damyar, "A Decision Support System for Investing in Pollution Control Technologies", June 1997 - October 1998.
- A. Ahmed, "Producing Ultra-low Interfacial Tension at the Oil/brine Interface" and "Studying the Interaction between Arabian Crude Oils and Alkaline Solutions", (Co-Supervisoror with T. Al-Sahhaf), April 1997 – February 2001.
- N. Fethi, "Modeling the Fluid Catalytic Process Using Artificial Neural Networks", (Co-Supervisor with G. Al-Enezi), October 1997 - January 1999.
- Ahmed Amin, "Techno-Economic Analysis of biomass Conversion Processes", CO-OP, Fall 2012.
- Alisha Deshpande, "Modelling Product Formulations of Polymer-Layered Silicate Nanocomposites", URA, Spring 2011 (May – Aug.), University of Southern California.
- Qin Chen, "Modeling and Analysis of the Choline-Leakage Hypothesis for the Loss of Acetylcholine in Alzheimer's Disease", ChE 43 and ChE48: Research-Design Project 2, Spring 2010, Winter 2011. Penn State.
- Uzair Chutani, "Compounding and Analyzing Thin Films of Montmorillonite and Cloisite 93A in a Commercially Available Polymer Matrix", Co-Advisor with L. Simon, CO-Op work term, Spring 2007.
- Kristen Robinson (Systems Engineering), "Ethanol Production Plant Siting and Optimal Design Considerations", ChE 43 and ChE 48: Research-Design Project 2, Fall 2006, Winter 2007. Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation, University of Waterloo.
- F. Moledina, "Ranking of Hydrogen Production Pathways using the Analytic Hierarchy Process", Co-Advisor with M. Fowler, ChE 43 and ChE 48: Research-Design Project 2, Fall 2006, Winter 2007. University of Toronto.
- Y. A. Yusif, "Optimization Model for Refinery Solid Waste Management", ChE 43 and ChE 48: Research-Design Project 2, Fall 2005, Winter 2006. University of Waterloo.
- A. Patel, "Solar Thermal Hydrogen Production", ChE 43 and ChE 48: Research-Design Project 2, Fall 2005, Winter 2006. Germany.
- F. Moledina, Project: Modeling and Parameter Estimation of the Methane Cracking Process to Produce Hydrogen and Filamentous Carbon, URA, Winter 2006. University of Toronto.
- T. Z. Al-Syed, Project: CO2 Management in Refineries, ChE 298 Directed Research Project, Fall 2006.
- A. Jetly, Project: CO2 Management in the Power Industry, ChE 298 Directed Research Project, Fall 2006.
- Group from Oman: Khamis Al-Mamari, Said Alsaidi, Ahmedd Al-Dugaishi, Abdullah Al-Sadi. Group from Waterloo: Rajat Suri, Faisal Moledina, Abhijat Kitchlu, Kristen Robinson. Project: Production of Energy from Agriculture Waste, Mondialogo - Engineering Award (Sponsored by the United Nations), http://www.mondialogo.org/, Partnership with Sulatan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman.
- Group from Oman: Abdulaziz Al-Battashi, Hilal Al-Rabiei, Khamis Al-Mamari, Is'haq Al-Habsi. Group from Waterloo: Ibrahim Al-Syed, Abhay Jetly, Muhammad Uzair Chutani. Project: Solar Refrigeration, Mondialogo - Engineering Award (Sponsored by the United Nations). http://www.mondialogo.org/, Partnership with Sulatan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman.
- F. Moledina, Project: Modeling and Parameter Estimation of the Methane Cracking Process to Produce Hydrogen and Filamentous Carbon, NSERC USRA, Spring 2006. University of Toronto.
- Chun-Yi Chaing, Project: Chemically Defined Medium Development for Recombinant Human Interleukin-3 Production, NSERC USRA, Fall 2005. University of Calgary. Then PhD student University of Toronto.
- Rajat Suri. Project: Development of a Forecasting Model to Assess the Adequacy of Generation and Transmission Facilities to Meet Future Electricity Needs in Ontario, URA, Spring 2005. MIT.
- Melissa Cesana, Project: Modeling and Simulation of Multi-pollutants Dispersion Using a Multiple Cell Approach, URA, Winter 2005. University of Toronto.
- Christopher Marton, Project: Superstructure Optimization, NSERC USRA, Spring 2005. MIT.
- Flora Chui, Project: Prediction and Sensitivity Analysis of Maximum Ground Level Pollutant Concentrations Using Various Dispersion Models, NSERC USRA, Spring 2004. University of Waterloo.
- Chris Marton, Project: Proposal of an Order-Specific Clustering Algorithm, URA, Winter 2004. MIT, then Senior Chemical Engineer at Merck.
- Andrew Prpich, Project: Modeling and Predicting the Effect of Mono- and Bi-functional Initiators on the Free Radical Polymerization of Styrene, URA, Fall 2004. University of Waterloo.
- Flora Chui, "Analytic Hierarchy Process and Life Cycle Analysis for the Assessment of Hydrogen Production Pathways", ChE 43 and ChE 48: Research-Design Project 2, Fall 2004, Winter 2005. University of Waterloo.
- Chris Marton, Project: An Order-Specific Clustering Algorithm, URA, Fall 2004. MIT.
- Rajat Suri, Project: Development of a forecasting model to assess the Adequacy of Generation and Transmission Facilities to Meet Future Electricity Needs, URA, Fall 2004. MIT.
- Christopher Marton, "Optimal Synthesis of Methanol Production Process Flow Sheet Using CO2 as a Feedstock", ChE 43 and ChE 48: Research-Design Project 2, Fall 2004, Winter 2005. MIT.
- Osama Al-Bofersen, "Solving Air and Water Pollution Problems at a Urea Plant", Spring 1995.
- Genan Salah, "Planning of Refinery Operations", Spring 1995.
- Abderahman Ahmed, "Scheduling Under Uncertainty", Spring 1995.
- Sultan Al-Otaibi, "Measurement and Prevention of Pressure Buildup in Reactor Operations", Fall 1996.
- Rima Al-Awadhi, "A New Method for PID Controller Tuning", Fall 1996.
- Saher Al-Thunian, "Minimization of Coke Formation in Heater Tubes of a Distillation Unit", Fall 1996.
- Ibrahim Al-Hajri, "A Statistical Mechanical Model for Predicting the Performance of an Externally Pressurized Rectangular Gas Bearing", Fall 1996.
- Safaa Al-Ali, "Studies on Liquid Crystalline Polymers by Copolymerization Route",Fall 1996.
- Abdul Rahman Abdullah, "Catalyst Regeneration and Heater Decoking of Kerosene Unit at Mina Abdullah Refinery (KNPC)", Spring 1996.
- Shaima Al-Ghunaim, "Optimum Gas Field Development", Spring 1996.
- Amina Al-Husaini, "Sulfer Dioxide Emission Sources and Control Options", Spring 1996.
- Mohamed Abderrahman, “Development of a Correlation for Hydrate formation Conditions”, Spring 1996.
- Muntaha Al-Qallaf, “Measurement and Correlation of IFT of Pure Hydrocarbons and their Mixtures”, Spring 1999 (Best Project Award, Alumni Office and Office of Training, Kuwait University).
- Nawal Al-Harshan, “Producing Ultra-Low Interfacial Tension at the Oil/Brine Interface”, Spring 1999 (Best Project Award, Alumni Office and Office of Training, Kuwait University).
- Justin Massicotte, Delroy Meyer, and Yuree Sung, "Design of Cogeneration System for Nitta Gelatin Canada Inc.", CHE 482 and CHE 483 - Group Design Project, Fall 2012, Winter 2013.
- Umaid Hamza, Awais Rasool, Shivam Shah, and Muhammad Usman Tauqeer, "Husky pilot plant - central processing facility", CHE 482 and CHE 483 - Group Design Project, Fall 2012, Winter 2013.
- Christopher Duque, Daniel Filiatrault, and Zubair Virjee, "Design and Analysis of A Debutanizer Anti-fouling System", CHE 482 and CHE 483 - Group Design Project, Fall 2012, Winter 2013.
- Ilya Kosukhin, Ryan Egli, and Sean Williams, "Development, Design, and Costing for a Heat Exchanger Addition to a Crude Oil Desalting Plant", (in collaboration with Saudi ARAMCO, Co-Supervisor with Luis Ricardez), ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2009, Winter 2010.
- Vasuthan Vinayagamoorthy, Eddie tsai, and Ivan Bagshaw, "Custom Biocomposite Polymers", (Co-Supervisor with Leonardo Simon), ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2009, Winter 2010.
- Janice Fung, Karina Yanez, and Josh Lo, "Preliminary Assessment and Costing of Biomass Feedstock Integration into a Petroleum Refinery", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2009, Winter 2010.
- Mark Hazlett, Chelsea Munding, and Sean Smith, "Modeling and Simulation of New Processes Consuming Carbon Dioxide", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2009, Winter 2010.
- Swetha Shankar, Aditya Merchant, Mugdha Walawalkar, and Meheran Mehta, "Development and Optimal Energy Infrastructure for the Oil Sands Industry by Modeling Efficient Methods of Reducing Water Consumption", (Co-Supervisor with Luis Ricardez), ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2009, Winter 2010.
- Abhay Jelty, Ibrahim Zafar, and James Tordiff, "Integration of Nuclear Energy into the Oil Sands Operations", (Co-Supervisor with Luis Ricardez), ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2009, Winter 2010.
- Mateusz, Kyle McAlpine, and Sean Daly, "Gasification of Oil Refinery Waste for Power Production", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2009, Winter 2010.
- Krishna Moorthy, Golbahar Rafinejad, and Anubhooti Saxena, "Design of X-bar Control Charts", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Fall 2009, Winter 2010.
- Kevin Nold, Ryan Marsh, Laura Johnson, and Abraham M. Soesilo, "Recovery of Ethylene Glycol from PET Process", (Co-Supervisor with William Anderson), ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Fall 2009, Winter 2010.
- Matthew Northey, Kalid Ali, and Ashan Garusinghe, "Fouling Mitigation for Cellulosic Ethanol Distillation", (in collaboration with Iogen Corporation), ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Fall 2009, Winter 2010.
- Jennifer Dragon, Hilary Lockie, Kiri Neufeglise, and Michael Sue-Kam-Ling, Production of Ethanol from Synthesis Gas(in collaboration with Coskata Inc), ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Fall 2008, Winter 2009.
- Sally Fessahaye, Catherine Robinson, and Sarah Vandaiyar, "Hydrogen Storage Cost Model", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2008, Winter 2009.
- David Schmidt and Arvin Gulati, "Plant Design of Hydrogen Production by Biomass Catalysis", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2008, Winter 2009.
- Alvin Wan, Preet Maangat, and Aizhan Zhussupova, "Hydrogen and methane recovery from waste gas stream at a Syncrude upgrading process (in collaboration with Syncrude)", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Fall 2008, Winter 2009.
- April Russell and James Des Cotes, "Catacarb Regenerator Retrofit to Reduce Condensate Loss", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Fall 2008, Winter 2009.
- Long Shun Cheng, Nicholas Ignagni, Riti Suri, and Coleman Yeung (with M. Fowler), "Design of Clean Energy Hub for Dufferin County", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Fall 2008, Winter 2009.
- Sabrina Giovinazzo, Roshni D'Souza, and Esther Kim, "Electricity Generation under Multiple pollutant Consideration", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2007, Winter 2008.
- Brandy Vanbethem and Richard Clark, "Jet Fuel Production", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2007, Winter 2008.
- Amirpouyan, Sardashti, Srdjan Knezevic, Philip Parappally, and Andrew Low, "Characterization of a Diffusion-Reaction System for Alzheimer's Disease Drug Delivery", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2007, Winter 2008.
- Glen Rycroft, Greg bak, Darik Gamble, and Joel Mizem, 'Design of Heavy Crude Oil Desalting System", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2007, Winter 2008.
- Andrew McLeod, Diana Olariu, and Pallavi Ray, "Design of refinery Effuluent Treatment Plant", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2007, Winter 2008.
- Stephanie Berry, Craig McEwen, and Caroline Harrington, "Gasification of Upgrader Residue", ChE 46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Fall 2006, Winter 2007.
- Michael Archer, Jillian Goll, Geofry Lui, and Katie Sehn, "Development, Design and Costing of a Biomass Energy Plant/ Energizing Ontario with Biomass", ChE46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2006, Winter 2007.
- Gareth DeSouza, Mark Ortiz, Hyunjun Park, Dylan Wang, and Cheikh Dieng, "Design of a Biomass-Based Refinery", ChE46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2006, Winter 2007.
- Warren Ka-Chun Ling, Ada Si-Wing Mung, and Sherry Ka-Wei Tsoi, "Simulation, Design, and Economic Analysis of Hydrogen Production from Biomass", ChE46 and ChE 47 – Group Design Project, Spring 2006, Winter 2007.
- Adelaide Wan, Kevin Nam, and William Law, "Wastewater Minimization in the Pulp and Paper Industries through Energy-Efficient Membrane Processes", ENVE 482 and 483 – Group Environmental Design Project, Spring and Winter 2006.
- Bahaa Amer, Vrushal Deshpande, Amy Gill, Trishin Naidu, and P., "Hydrogen Production and Efficient Management in Oil Refinery Operations", ChE46 and ChE47 – Group Design Project, Fall 2005 and Winter 2006.
- Mylene Decamp, Larry Mui, Reyna Paisley, and Ian Washington, "Waste Minimization Through Optimal Reactor Configuration", ChE46 and ChE47 – Group Design Project, Fall 2005 and Winter 2006.