Chem Eng
Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN);
Department of Chemical Engineering; Department of Physics & Astronomy
Prof. Mark W. Matsen
SCFT applications
with axial symmetry
SCFT is a fantastically successful theory, but it is also notoriously
computational. Although it can cope with general three-dimensional
problems, it can only do so with very limited numerical accuracy.
The one exception is the calculations for triply-periodic block-copolymer
morphologies, but this has been possible because of their periodic symmetry.
In general, researchers tend to focus on systems with sufficient symmetry
(e.g., planar, cylindrical, or spherical) so as to reduce the SCFT to a
one-dimensional calculation. The class of problems that we are currently
interested in are those with a single axis of rotational symmetry. These
are still two-dimensional problems, but accurate calculations are now
becoming feasible. Roan [1] was the first to apply SCFT to a problem of
this symmetry, when he examined the interaction between two brush-coated
nano-particles. His calculations predicted an unusual attraction, that
contradicted the less sophisticated treatments based on one-dimensional
calculations for planar brushes supplemented with the Derjaguin approximation.
However, I have recently proved [2] that attractions are impossible, which
implies that Roan's numerical accuracy was insufficient for the problem at
hand. The aim of the present project is to develop sufficiently accurate
and efficient SCFT algorithms to cope with this class of two-dimensional
problems, and then to apply them to a representative selection of
interesting systems.
Block-copolymer based nanocomposites: Block-copolymer
materials possess useful and interesting mechanical properties due to
their periodically-ordered nano-domains. By mixing the block copolymer
with nano-sized inorganic particles, the resulting nano-composites
can display, for example, directional heat or electric conductance,
improved strength, added heat resistance, or decreased gas permeability.
The limitless combination of polymeric materials with inorganic particles
has simulated a great deal of activity in this area. In another high-tech
application where block copolymer materials are being investigated as
optical-wavelength photonic crystals, nano-particles can be inserted so as
to boost the dielectric contrast between the internal domains.
Micelle interactions: Block copolymer solutions have become a system of
considerable interest for a range of diverse reasons. Much of this focus has
been on the micellar phases where the block copolymer forms spherical or
cylindrical micelles, analogous to those of surfactant- and lipid-based lyotropic
liquid crystals. One particularly trendy idea is to use block-copolymer
micelles/vesicles for drug delivery, by selecting block copolymers that
self-assembles with the drug at its centre while the micelles passes
through the environment over which the drug has to be transported. The behaviour
of these micelles in solution is largely affected by the pair-wise interactions
between their coronae, and as a general rule attractive interactions are
to be avoided. There is also the interesting fact that concentrated solutions
sometimes crystallize into body-centred cubic (bcc) arrays and in other cases
into face-centred cubic (fcc) packings. Our investigation of the pair-wise
interaction may shed some light onto the underlying factors controlling the
packing preference.
Colloidal stabilization: The ability to create dispersions of colloidal
particles has massive technological importance, but such efforts are
always impeded by the tendency of colloids to aggregate due to the ever-present
van der Waals attraction. One of the most effective methods of preventing
flocculation is to graft polymer brushes to the surface of the colloids.
Theoretical efforts to model the resulting repulsion are usually based on
one-dimensional calculations between flat planar brushes. The particle curvature
is then accounted for by the Derjaguin approximation, which assumes the
separation between the opposing particles varies gradually as is the case
for large colloids. However, I have done a calculation [3] based on a simple
scaling theory that shows the underlying assumptions of the Derjaguin approximation
breakdown for particle radii less than ~100 times the thickness of the brush.
Roan has used SCFT to investigate actual spherical substrates, but the numerical
intensity of the calculation limited him to very small colloids, and even then
numerical inaccuracies seem to have corrupted the calculation. We aim to revisit
this system equipped with our improved algorithms. This problem is much the
same as the interacting micelles but now the cores are no longer deformable
and the grafting density must remain strictly uniform. Furthermore, we need
to investigate considerably larger particles in order to test the applicability
of the Derjaguin approximation, and these facts will make the problem somewhat
more challenging than the micelle one.
[1] Attraction between Nanoparticles Induced by End-Grafted Homopolymers
in Good Solvent, J.-R. Roan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1027 (2001).
[2] Comment on "Attraction between Nanoparticles Induced by End-Grafted Homopolymers
in Good Solvent", M.W. Matsen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 069801 (2005).
[3] Effect of Chain Tilt on the Interaction between Brush-Coated Colloids
M.W. Matsen, Macromolecules 38, 4525 (2005).
[4] Interaction between polymer-grafted particles
J.U. Kim and M.W. Matsen, Macromolecules 41, 4435 (2008).
Updated: 16 November 2005 |